Wednesday, October 30, 2019

St. Augustine's election VS free will Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

St. Augustine's election VS free will - Essay Example According to St. Augustine sin is the consequence of free will of human. In the words of Allen (2003), â€Å"According to St. Augustine's free will theodicy (AFWT), moral evil attends free will†. It is also believed that God has created human with the eligibility of enjoying free will. Free will in this sense denotes having the capability to cooperate with God, i.e. to do the right as well as wrong thing. Thus, unlike other beings such as plants and animals, human beings are different as they are free to make their choices. However, the major question concerning this context can be recognized as based on the perplexity that if humans have the capability to make every decision in their life. The passage of Roman 9:16 depicts that God who demonstrates kindness to human is much prevalent rather than human will. Thus, while human hold the ability to enjoy certain free will, they are not entirely free which further indicates that ultimate consequence is not dependent on humans (Kni ght, 2010). The paper intends to describe the election on the free will as explained by St. Augustine based on the religious beliefs affirmed in the Bible. Thus, the objective of the paper is to develop a rational understanding about human free will from a religious point of view. Biblical Criticism St. Augustine is also known as Austin being regarded as one of the greatest ‘Fathers of Church’. He was known as a renowned philosopher who later became familiar as an outstanding leader of Christian conviction (Coptic Church, 2005). His idea of election has been drawn from the ‘doctrine of salvation’. On one hand, his religious opinions about the characteristics of Church and the rites significantly impacted the development of Roman Catholic spirituality. On the other hand, his religious opinions about the characteristics of real sin exhibits the utter requirement of elegance in the salvation of determined preparation of several central policies of Western Chri stendom. St. Augustine’s theodicy stated that the election of God is not unfair. According to him, the offenders are not eligible to enjoy the right of elegance from God. The decision of God as to about extending the elegance is entirely within God’s independent will and privilege. Above all, St. Augustine assumed his thought on election is simply reflecting the rich philosophy of the passage of Roman 9 (Allen, 2003). St. Augustine firmly accepted that God’s elegance was the most prominent basis of salvation. He has termed that if a person is destined, his ‘free choice’ seem to be extracted at best trivial. He further stated that everything which exists is developed by God and yet God cannot be reflected as the origin of sin. St. Augustine’s theodicy of human free will also provides the central and crucial solution by stating that the free will of human is the responsible source of sin. Apparently, it can be depicted that human conduct sinful activities in harmony with the decision condensed by their thoughts and thus are led by their free will. Based on this notion, in his theory, St. Augustine perceives no exclusiveness between free will and celestial support. However, it is often considered that God was negligent by providing will to the human who had brought evil. St. Augustine also depicted that although sin happens by free will, human must not believe that God delivered

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thesis Enrolment Essay Example for Free

Thesis Enrolment Essay 1.0. Project Description An enrolment system is necessary for the school to keep track of their students’ records. This is a useful way for retrieving student’s information. On the other hand a student’s personal information account will enable a student to view his or her status and other school related requirements or details. If these two will be implemented automatically, then the school will operate more efficiently and effectively. The purpose of this online enrolment system is for those individuals who want to enrol in Cebu Centre for Dance but they are having the hard time in finding for the exact location of the school and applying an enrolment system through online will make it easier and faster for the enrolees to apply to the said dance school. The enrolee requires filling up a form online with his or her personal information that includes his or her specific details that the system requires. This lets the enrolee choose or enrol to a course offered by the school. Once the enrolee submits the form and formally settles the payment, that enrolee is considered an official student of the school. This marks the use of the student’s personal information account. So the student could now log in into his account using his unique username and password that would let him view his class schedule and other school related details. An online enrolment system and student’s personal information account will help school and its students communicate and keep track of their records successfully. And since the widespread use of the internet has given people the chance to access to information and to the different websites, this gives us the idea of creating the system. 1.1. Background of the Project/ Overview of the Current State of Technology Company Background Cebu Centre for Dance is the newest dance school in Cebu City. It is located at Tango Plaza building, Queens Road. It aims is to provide high quality dance training as well as fitness training in the Queen city of the south. It offers ballet dance training for all 3 years and up, adult ballet for fitness, contemporary dance training, classical jazz, and Latin ballroom. For fitness training, it offers Zumba by Emma Satchell, Yoga and Pilates. Companys Current State in terms of Technology The Cebu Centre for Dance has its own existing website, the In their website, you can view the details about the dance school, the different courses offered, the list of faculty members, and its dance resources, and on how to contact the said dance training school. The Cebu Centre for Dance’s website lacks some features that would help in making their operation more efficient and more effective towards their students and to those who really want to enrol in the said dance school. So the creation of an online enrolment system and student’s personal information account would make a difference and improvement in organizing and retrieving students’ information. Companys needs/ challenges that needs Technological Intervention The school’s website lacks some features that are needed for making their school’s operation more effective and more efficient. It needs a system that could retrieve and track the records of their students and enrolees wherein the admin could view the necessary details about them. The school manages their enrolment manually in which it’s not very accessible and convenient for students/enrolees especially in this rapidly changing world. On the other hand, keeping track of the records is also done manually that makes it more complicated and unsecured. So the school is really in need of an automated system for the enrolment and an online account for their students’/enrolees’ personal information. Brief Introduction of the Project as the Solution As what was defined in 1.0 Project Description, â€Å"An enrolment system is necessary for the school to keep track of their students’ records. This is a useful way for retrieving student’s information. On the other hand a student’s personal information account will enable a student to view his or her status and other school related requirements or details. If these two will be implemented automatically, then the school will operate more efficiently and effectively.† This project would really satisfy the needs of the school of having an automated system for their enrolment and an online account for their students. The admin could view and check the record and status of a specific student. He can also alter some information about that student. The enrolees can register by filling up a form online and submits this one to the site to be stored in the database. Once the payment and other confidential matters are being settled, that enrolee could now be considered as an official student of the said dance school. He could then log-in to his personal account to update and view the important details stored in it. 1.2. Project Objectives/ Objectives of the Project The main objective of this project is to develop and come up with an enrolment system that would satisfy the needs of the students and the school wherein the admin can be able to manage the student’s information account. This project aims to build a working and efficient enrolment system and be implemented online. 1.2.1. General Objective The over-all goal for the creation of this online enrolment system and student’s personal information account is to transform the manual system of enrolment of the school to an automated one. The purpose for this is for the enrolees to enrol to the school anytime of the day because it’s done online. An online enrolment system will help the school officials to manage and utilize their time properly because the system will be the one working for the enrolment process to be stored in a database. On the other hand, having a student’s personal information account will help not only the school, but also the student in managing and viewing for their record and important school requirements in convenient way but just logging in to their account. Through this, students’ records will be put to the database for security purposes and easy access to information. 1.2.2. Specific Objectives * To develop an automated or online system of enrolment * To create a student’s personal information account * To make the enrolment system more effective and more efficient for both the school and the enrolees * To let both the school and the students have an easy access to information * To let the admin protect and organize the students’ records * To let the admin view the records of their students * To let the admin alter the information stored in the database * To let the enrolees register to the school 24 hours online * To let the students log in to their own personal account * To let the students view and update their account in a more convenient manner * To let the admin post a reminder or note to the student’s account easier and faster 1.3. Scope and Limitations of the Project The online enrolment system can only let the enrolee fill up the form and submit this one to be stored to the database. In an enrolment process, payment is really necessary before the enrolee to be considered as an official student of the school. It can be a down payment or a full payment depending on the agreement made by the school and the enrolee. But in our online enrolment system, no money transactions are done because the payment will only be done through personal meet ups. In the enrolment system, the school can trace what are the standings and schedules of the students. For the student’s personal information account, only the official students of the school are allowed to log in to their accounts using their unique usernames and passwords. The enrolees are not allowed to log in to an account because they need to achieve first the necessary requirements to be considered as an official student of the school. The student can only view and update his account. He cannot delete his account because only the admin can do that. The admin can change and manage the information on the student’s account. The admin can view the records of the students’ fees – collected or uncollected. The admin can send personal message to the student and post important announcements. 1.4. Significance of the Project/ Importance of the Project The system proposed should be done in a specific period of time so that the Cebu Centre for Dance can now have an automated enrolment system. The school won’t use anymore the manual system they’re used to. It’s a great benefit for both the students and the school because aside from the fact that it’s hassle free and convenient, it’s also user friendly. The purpose for this is for the enrolees to enrol to the school anytime of the day because it’s done online. An online enrolment system will help the school officials to manage and utilize their time properly because the system will be the one working for the enrolment process to be stored in a database. In this rapidly changing world, technology is really a must for everyone especially in schools because the need for it provides us with easy and more effective solutions to everyday living. Without technology we could not communicate quickly from important people we like to talk to, find important information from the Internet, or even keep track school events and announcements. This project allows people to utilise tools that allows overcoming of mental and the practical application of knowledge to advance our everyday life. 2.0. Review of Related Works and Studies/ Review of Related Literature With the advent of computers, the world entered a more technologically advanced era of computing using various technical tools. In the creation of the system, different resources were being used. It includes the Xampp, Dreamweaver, and Adobe Photoshop CS5, the Internet, university-owned computer, personal computers and laptops (Lenovo and Toshiba). The use of some browsers such as Mozilla and Google Chrome made this database project possible. Through these media, we could now successfully create and develop our own database. It is based on SQL or termed as the Structured Query Language that is used for managing and querying databases. Creating the system can become extremely complex and inconsistent, because most of the information can’t be tabulated into simple computer programs, thus the call for a maximum level database was needed and created. 3.0. Project Methodology The creation of an online enrolment system and student’s personal information account requires specific steps that are needed to be achieved. These are the steps: DESIGN MAINTENANCE and SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS PLANNING Data Collection This project involves three major steps starting from planning down to the implementation of the system. PLANNING Software Requirements Analyse the requirements. ANALYSIS Identify the conclusion Implements the system IMPLEMENTATION Tests the system All of the activities stated above will be done by Anna Mae Talingting, and Marjorie Castillo. They are the resource persons to be contacted and are responsible for the task required. The making of the system will approximately take 3 months, which is from November to February. It will be done to a place that has computers and other enough resources that would help make and accomplish the system. The activity should be done so that the school can now have an automated enrolment system and students can use it as soon as possible that the system will be done and implemented.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

Within the past 20 years dropout rates have become a worldwide pandemic. Not to mention the ripples that follow that. These ripples include a higher percentage of the populous under the poverty line, with could then result in a global impact. This creates a serious problem, for not only the United States, but the rest of the world as the world economy is a reflection of our own. With that said, how will the teen pregnancy rates affect the dropout percentage? And how will informing the populous about America’s teen pregnancy issue lower the percentage of dropouts in American Schooling. In 2011, a total of 329,797 babies were born to teenagers of the ages from fifteen to nineteen, with â€Å"a live birth rate of 31.3 per 1,000 women in this age group.† (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]) This becomes a record low within this age group, and a drop from â€Å"8% from 2010. Birth rates fell 11% for women aged 15–17 years, and 7% for women aged 18–19 years.† (CDC) This drop is acceptable but it’s not something to rely on, as all of this depends how sexually active those teens are, there may theoretically be a birth rate to jump up to fifty percent. Additionally, research by both Claus C Pà ¶rtner and D. Mark Anderson, who are both respectable professors in the University of Washington’s economic department, have established that â€Å"increasing the minimum drop out age leads to higher income, better health, higher self-reported happiness, [and] less crime† (Lochner and Moretti; Oreopoulos; Black, Devereu x and Salvanes; Anderson) If the only outcome is something positive, why has it not been changed? Some would say that it is all theoretical and untrustworthy. Yet it has still not been addressed. Another possible cause to this is the ne... Furthermore, none of these programs showed promise in the delaying of sexual initiation among youth enrolled in these programs. Additionally, none of the programs showed promise in obtaining factual data to conclude that abstinence can reduce other sexual risk-taking behaviors among participants. More specifically, a â€Å"2003 Pennsylvania evaluation found that the state-sponsored programs were largely ineffective in delaying sexual onset or promoting skills and attitudes consistent with sexual abstinence. Arizona and Kansas had similar findings of no change in behaviors. A 2004 evaluation from Texas found no significant changes in the percentage of students who pledged not to have sex until marriage. As in two other studies, the Texas analysis revealed that the percentage of students who reported having engaged in sexual intercourse increased for nearly all ages.†

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Autism Essays -- essays research papers

Diagnostic Summary Paper AUTISM Autism is a disorder that impairs the development of a person's capacity to interact with, communicate with, and also maintain regular "normal" bonds with the outside world. This disorder was described in 1943 by Leo Kanner, an American psychologist. Autism is considered one of the more common developmental disabilities, and appears before the age of three. It is known to be four or five times more common in males than in females. It most cited statistic is that autism occurs in 4.5 out of 10,000 live births. The estimate of children having autistic qualities is reported to be 15 to 20 out of 10,000. The gender statement noted before is not uncommon, since many developmental disabilities have a greater male to female ratio. Autistic characteristics are different from birth. Two more common characteristics that may be exhibited are the arching of the back while being held, to avoid contact, and also failing to anticipate being picked up (limpness in the body). Infants with autism are described as being either very passive, or very agitated. Sometimes during infancy there will be cases of head rocking, and or banging, against the crib, but this is not always the case. Approximately one-third of children develop normally until the ages of 1 1/2 to 3, and then the symptoms emerge, referred to as "regressive autism." During childhood, there is a commonality of the affected child insisting routine. The reasoning is that the chil...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Issues on Paid College Athletes

Should college athletes be paid? Many have different opinions on this subject. Some feel that a fully paid scholarship is enough for these talented individuals. But for the athletes it†s not enough. Allen Sack, a former football player said: † No matter their economic circumstances, college scholarship athletes, almost universally agree that there needs to be a way for money to find its way into their hands ligitimatley.† But what most the public doesn†t know is that intercollegiate athletics is a primary source of income for colleges and universities in the United States, and the athletes aren†t seeing a penny of it. The N.C.A.A. is what†s keeping the athletes from seeing some of the money they deserve by calling it â€Å"Amateurism.† Rule 2.9 says: † The principal of Amateurism Student athletes shall be amateurs in an intercollegiate sport, and their participation should be motivated primarily by education and the physical, mental and social benefits to be derives. Student participation in intercollegiate athletics is an avocation, and student athletes should be protected from exploitation by professional and commercial enterprises.† These rules show you how the N.C.A.A. controls the actions of the student athletes, only to allow them to be manipulated by their universities and take away their freedom to earn money on their own. College athletes who come from low-income families have little or no money, leading them to accept money and gifts illegally. Presidents of division I schools are allowing boosters to offer big money to talented athletes for competing on the fields of play, and try to attract wealthy TV networks to commercialize the sports and make Billions off the consumers. College athletes are young and naive and maybe that†s why they accept money and gifts. Maybe they feel they deserve it and lack the fear of any consequences or maybe they truly need the money since they can†t make it elsewhere. Athletes know they have a scholarship, but they also know that a scholarship doesn†t give you any money for normal everyday spending. For whatever reason student athletes accept money, whether good or bad, they still take it and they always will as long as it†s offered. The star athlete is basically hired to bring success to a certain sports program, regardless of his or her educational goals or intellectual background. Technically it is a phrase describing an individual student who engages in a sport for the academic institution they represent. But the problem that haunts the N.C.A.A. is the realization that the student athlete is truly two different words, describing two different groups of people and one day they will have to admit that they are separate. The bottom line is winning, and winning requires talented athletes, but some athletes realize their value and demand some compensation for their efforts. With all their long hours of hard work and endless practice, they put everything on the line. They risk life and limb for the university they represent and for what? Why undergo the stress and strain of a season, year after year, to only be tossed aside after their eligibility or talent is used up? Obviously for some, it†s that small possibility one day turning professional, but for others it†s the question of why can†t I get paid for my work now? Universities realize that they take in millions of dollars in revenue, and in return all the athlete gets is a scholarship. It all adds up from grants-in-aid to student athletes which generates about 5 million dollars a year. Add that to the millions spent on travel, housing, equipment, health care and other costs, pretty soon were talking about real money. According to the Bureau of Census is that the free education a scholarship athlete has, typically generates an extra $500,000 or more in that persons future. An education is priceless, and the student athletes at American colleges and universities reap the benefits of the finest higher education system in the world. So the knowledge that a student athlete gains in the classroom is something that will never depreciate. What paying players would do is free them from a system in which they do most of the work and assume all of the risk, yet are prevented from sharing in the results of their labor. This in effect, would terminate any forms off corruption and exploitation of intercollegiate athletics. It would also benefit the universities, while still profiting from their athletic programs they would also be scandal free and have the pressures of winning taken off their shoulders. The majority of the pressure would be carried by the already high paid coaches and soon to be high paid athletes. The N.C.A.A. could benefit by engaging in more high profit venues and would be relived of enormous amounts of pressure due to an employee situation within the system. Overall, a system of salary paid athletes put into intercollegiate athletics would change the views of many. Whether it would benefit society depends on such a proposal. I see no reason why such a proposal could not be created.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Identities

Who am I? This is a brief six-letter question that has a complex and inner woven answer. A person’s identity is composed of many intricate and multifaceted identities. To define an individual’s identity is to examine the plurality of identity and how they collectively create â€Å"who you are† on the basis of culture, religion, personal factors, education, class and the tendency of shifting identities supported by the works of Ahmed, DuBois, and Maalouf. Culture is the shared beliefs, religious values, language, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular nation or people. This sense of belonging to a culture directly affects a person’s identity. Someone’s speech, dress, manners and social interactions are a direct result of cultural influence. Maalouf uses the example of identical twins being separated at birth and raised in two different cultures. Although genetically identical, when reunited as adults, they may differ in their style of clothing, language, values, morals and more. Culture directly affects an individual’s identity by setting social standards and â€Å"norms†. No matter what the culture, people have the desire to conform. Each culture has its own â€Å"norms† which people will conform to for social approval and acceptance. Individuals and their identities are representations of their culture. For example, in our Western culture, a bare foot girl wearing a toga on the street would be considered a social non-conformist, whereas, a socially acceptable girl in jeans and a Gap sweater is characterized as the cultural â€Å"norm†. Religion is an aspect of culture that is typically passed down through generations. Parents of faith most often raise their children in their own religion and spiritual beliefs. It could be said the religious choice a parent makes on behalf of their unborn children forms at a very early age an element of identity that is representative of the parent’s and their culture. In... Free Essays on Identities Free Essays on Identities Who am I? This is a brief six-letter question that has a complex and inner woven answer. A person’s identity is composed of many intricate and multifaceted identities. To define an individual’s identity is to examine the plurality of identity and how they collectively create â€Å"who you are† on the basis of culture, religion, personal factors, education, class and the tendency of shifting identities supported by the works of Ahmed, DuBois, and Maalouf. Culture is the shared beliefs, religious values, language, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular nation or people. This sense of belonging to a culture directly affects a person’s identity. Someone’s speech, dress, manners and social interactions are a direct result of cultural influence. Maalouf uses the example of identical twins being separated at birth and raised in two different cultures. Although genetically identical, when reunited as adults, they may differ in their style of clothing, language, values, morals and more. Culture directly affects an individual’s identity by setting social standards and â€Å"norms†. No matter what the culture, people have the desire to conform. Each culture has its own â€Å"norms† which people will conform to for social approval and acceptance. Individuals and their identities are representations of their culture. For example, in our Western culture, a bare foot girl wearing a toga on the street would be considered a social non-conformist, whereas, a socially acceptable girl in jeans and a Gap sweater is characterized as the cultural â€Å"norm†. Religion is an aspect of culture that is typically passed down through generations. Parents of faith most often raise their children in their own religion and spiritual beliefs. It could be said the religious choice a parent makes on behalf of their unborn children forms at a very early age an element of identity that is representative of the parent’s and their culture. In...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Police Corruption Essay Example

Police Corruption Essay Example Police Corruption Paper Police Corruption Paper Close. D. (2003). Morality in Criminal Justice: An Introduction to Ethics. Wadsworth Group. Belmount Ca. Downloaded from U. f Phoenix rEbook collection on April 9, 2008. Westwood. J. (2001). Police Culture and the Code of Silence. Retrieved August 18, 2008 from opcc. bc. ca/Reports/2001/POLICE%20CULTURE%20AND%20THE%20CODE%20OF%20SILENCE. pdf Kerwin, J. (November 2006). Op-Ed: Why I don’t trust the Police. The Stanford Daily. Retrieved August 18, 2008, from http://daily. stanford. edu/article/2006/11/17/opedWhyIDontTrustThePolice. Singh, A. (Feburary, 2007). Police Corruption. PUCL Bulletin. Retrieved August 18, 2008, from pucl. org/Topics/Police/2007/police-corruption. html http://enwikipedia. rg/wiki/Intimidation esrfkabissa. org/corru/messages/242html Sherman1978p. 31 Dantzker, 1995 p. 157 Captain Williams, Gary, Commanding Officer of LAPD Pacific Division. Interview by Author, Paolo Mauro, May 01, 2000. Robinson, Matthew B. (2005) Justice Blind? Ideals and Realities o f American Criminal Justice 2e, University of Phoenix eBook Library U. S. Department of Justice, â€Å"Police Integrity, Public Service with Honor† Jan 1997; From, NCJRS. org/pdffiles/163811. pdf Law Enforcements Code of Ethics. Retrieved, August 25, 2008, from, culcom. net/~lake/policecodeofethics. html

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Air Force Aid Society essays

Air Force Aid Society essays 1. Imagine that the only vehicle in your family breaks down and you lack the means for repairs, what would you do? Did you know that there are services provided by the Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) that can help members with this kind of problem? If not, then you will be provided information on two ways that financial assistance is available in a situation of need. In the case of an emergency, you need to be aware of how and under what circumstance you can request and receive financial help. Also covered, will be an overview about the specifics on policies, grants, and loans to provide a clear understanding of how the program benefits members. We can now begin to take a closer view on policies associated with this system. 2. Policies provide information about the financial assistance program and also state eligibility requirements. First of all, you must be on active duty, retired, dependent, dependent of deceased Air Force personnel, or Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard personnel on extended duty (over thirty days), to be eligible for assistance. According to the AFAS assistance guide, financial assistance is given when a qualifying individual cannot otherwise pay for specific basic needs essential to continued personal effectiveness as an Air Force member. (2: - 7) This policy defines need and circumstance, which is on a case by case basis determined by a representative of the program. Polices also state that information concerning a member who has applied for help remains private unless a commander requests information in special conditions such as investigations or outstanding financial irresponsibility. Now that the basic policies have been explained, lets find out about grants. 3. A grant is money given without an obligation to pay it back as determined by an AFAS representative. Situations that qualify for grants are case by case. For limited fun ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis of the Ancient Pyramids Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Analysis of the Ancient Pyramids - Term Paper Example Although the perfection achieved by these men are still difficult to achieve even with today’s modern machinery and technology, the point the pyramids make is that human ingenuity, dedication and hands-on personal attention is still unequaled by the other machines that we make. Bibliography: Crozat, Pierre. â€Å"Origin of the Materials.† Engineering of the Pyramids. Paris: 6th Congress of Scientific Systems, 2005. Print. Levy, Janey. The Great Pyramid of Giza: Measuring Length, Area, Volume and Angles. New York: Rosen, 2005. Print. Romer, John. The Great Pyramid: Ancient Egypt Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge GP, 2007. Print. Student name Instructor name Course name Date Analysis of the Ancient Pyramids at Giza Although only the top portions of them were left exposed above the desert sand 100 years ago, the ancient pyramids of Giza have long been structures that inspired wonder and puzzlement among those who knew of them. Built in an area of the world in which there are few building materials, including rock or trees, the stone pyramids were constructed with a level of precision placement that remains difficult to reproduce even today despite our advances in mechanical lifting technology and modern equipment. Once they were fully exposed to the modern world, the size of the pyramids fully revealed the tremendous achievement reached by the ancient Egyptians. The architectural feat accomplished coupled with their awe-inspiring size have made the pyramids object lessons for modern architects and others as they struggle to understand how and why these structures were created and how they have managed to persist throughout the centuries. Although we have created some very impressive structures in the modern age, it remains true that the Great Pyramid is one of the taller manmade structures on earth, standing as tall as most 50-story skyscrapers (Russell, 2005). This pyramid, and its attendant structures discovered on the Giza Plateau, is old enough to receive a mention in the Bible and impressive enough to have been included as one of the original seven great wonders of the world - the only one to still survive today. The pyramids, especially the Great Pyramid, are worthy subjects of architectural study because of how their construction, composition and style communicate the political, social and spiritual practices of the people that built them, demonstrating the ever-important link between architecture and society. Any study of the Great Pyramid should start with an analysis of the amazing technical details inherent in the structure. Surveys done on the pyramid have revealed that the length of each side of the structure is equal to all of the other sides almost exactly with the greatest difference in measurement equal to less than 1.75 inches (Levy, 2005). This same survey indicates that the base of the pyramid is almost perfectly level. It is hard to imagine how such a massive structure could have been created to such precise measurements in such a way that they would still hold true today, more than 4,000 years after it was constructed, and all without modern surveying equipment, earth movers or other advances in machinery. This is especially difficult to understand when one considers that the building blocks used for the pyramid

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sam 489 unit 9 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sam 489 unit 9 - Assignment Example this regard, the 911 commission conducted investigations across the government’s security departments and presented its findings to the then president George Bush (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2011). The major findings/recommendations of the 911 commission were that the security intelligence failed to prevent the attacks. It emerged that the intelligence failed to disclose vital information obtained at the airports, before and after the attacks, to the military and police forces. This is because the commission realized that there were loopholes at the airport when the terrorists accessed the country to execute the attacks (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2011). The commission also found that most of the attackers were Saudi Arabian citizens drawn from the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization. The evidence was derived from video footages obtained from the airport control unit (Felzenberg, 2006). As a result, the commissioners recommended more funding to be added towards the security kitty to enable them to adequately prepare. The Bush administration received grades from the commission on their efforts towards national security. For instance, the Congress performance was low because it failed to mark terrorism as a major policy to handle. The intelligence agencies were also ranked below average because of their failure to liaise with other security department for maximum protection (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2011). It is apparent that the government did not consider threats from Al-Qaeda to be serious and ignored calls for tight security measures along the borders. The report grading also indicated that the citizens should be vigilant by cooperating with the security teams in case of threats or risks in their neighborhoods (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2011). The grading provided a challenge to the US government to design new measures of approach the emergent terrorist extremism. This is because the occurrence of the 911 attacks exposed considerable challenges and

The organisation in it's Environment Case Study

The organisation in it's Environment - Case Study Example There is an Executive Team which includes the Chairman and Chief Software Architect, the CEO, the General Counsel and Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer, senior and group vice presidents from the business units, the CEO of the Europe, the Middle East and Africa regions; the heads of Worldwide Sales, Marketing and Services; Human Resources; and Corporate Marketing. 1) Microsoft is one of the leading brands and one of the top companies featured in Fortune 500 list of companies. The operating system Windows, provided by Microsoft, is one of the most favorite operating systems of most of the people across the world. Apart from this, the office suit supplied by Microsoft which includes MS Word, MS excel etc. can be found on almost all the computers across the globe. Not only does it provide software for home and office computers, laptops and mobile devices but it also is one of the leaders in the Market of servers, gaming products and hardware devices. 2) Creating a Brand Name is one of the toughest jobs for a company. Microsoft has been very successful in creating a Brand Name for itself and is therefore increasing the names in the list of its customers every single hour. 1) The on-line support provided by Microsoft is not... Even the support available on phone is not available 24*7. It should be not that after delivery support for the softwares is an important criteria for the customers making any purchase and the lack of best quality support can definitely has a negative influence in the mind of the customer. 2) It is generally seen that the software products offered by Microsoft have compatibility problems when installed on operating systems other than Windows. Moreover, even Windows does not support many softwares provided by other Vendors. This comes as a hindrance to a consumer intending to buy products from different vendors. 3) Microsoft does not disclose the source code for its product which causes a lot of pain to the end user if he/she desires to do some minor modifications to the product obtained by him in case of any bugs found or some extra features needed to him. 4) Microsoft having its presence across the globe has to be very cautious of its legalities, patents, trademarks, codes, products etc and has to keep a close watch on any development in the legal policies for any country throughout the world. Opportunities: 1) Microsoft has started to capture opportunities in attracting the tech savvy youths in developing countries by introducing softwares in their native language rather than English. Microsoft has also given discretionary authority to the respective government to ensure tight vigilance on malpractices such as eavesdropping and phishing emails. 2) Microsoft has made a smart move by venturing into entertainment segment which is the need of the 21st century youngsters by production of game consoles such as XBOX. Threats: 1) As Microsoft has a wide market share in developing and developed nations,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Teenage drug addicts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Teenage drug addicts - Essay Example A study by National Center of Education Statistics during the year 2009 found out that the main reason of this proliferating numbers of teen drug addicts is that 22% of high school teens are being provided in drugs in their respective schools (Russell, 2008). This teen population, around 45% of this part of teen population cannot see any ‘risk’ due to excessive drug use. That means lack of awareness is the dominant reason that has led to such a grave issue. Teens living in UK are also in the running. They too fall in the same category that is severely attacked by this issue of Drug Abuse. They too are falling in the trap and ruining their lives, UK’s society and the country as a whole. Teen Drug Addiction in UK – Causes, Effects and Current Trends Even after the government’s several attempts of implementing strict policies on its teen population, the numbers of ‘Teenage Drug Addicts in Britain’ are increasing at a high rate. The deaths i n Britain due to drug abuse rose from 1952 to2182 deaths in total. Before peeking into the world of Teen Drug addicts in UK, we first need to know who these drugs came into this country and ruined the lives of many people, enjoying their teenage life. In case of Cocaine, UK is considered to be the most affected country due to drug abuse in the entire world. With 2% regular users of cocaine in UK, teens living between these people will surely fall in this trap and try their first drug, and this is what really happened. With a 19million share of the cost of drugs in the GDP of UK, more than 40% of this is paid by the UK teens. These figures clearly demonstrate the scenario of drug addicts who are teenagers and are living in Britain (Plant, et al, 2010). Overview of Teen drug Addiction During the time 2008 to 2009, around 8.1% increase has been observed in the number of teen drug users in UK. In UK, drug abuse is not just an epidemic, but a plaque. United Kingdom has a long history of teen drug abuse in its regards, because it was the first ever country of European Union that was reported to see the emergence of the drug misuse. In United Kingdom, drugs are commonly supplied around the country that’s why teens cannot find difficult in finding them and becoming huge big drug addicts in a short time period. This has led to a creation of social norm about this country as now the teen population have become really open minded when it comes to use drugs openly in social gatherings (Paylor et al, 2012). The current scenario of teen drug addicts in Britain has illustrated that this issue is getting out of hand. In a European Schools Survey Project, with 42% teen boys and 39% teen girls, illegal drugs have been used. Alcohol abuse, alcohol one of those drugs widely used in teenagers in UK, is prevailing commonly in UK, and this situation is getting worse in case of girls. Professor Martin Plant, of the University of West of England said: â€Å"One of the big prob lems is that vast numbers of young people who engage in these behaviors believe that they are completely invulnerable†. Causes of Teen Drug Addiction One of the reasons of a high rate of teenage drug addicts in UK reported by this professor are poor parenting. Parents living in UK are very broad minded and don’

Functional Block Diagram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Functional Block Diagram - Essay Example The control signals and measures are by dashed lines. These latter concepts seemed to be very vague to an individual at this point. With careful consideration of the process flow diagram described in Figure 1–2, where process 1 effluent fluid is to the surge tank where the effluent are directed to process 2.several constraints exist such as the height in this reservoir. In the event the tank overflows, it may pose a serious environmental risk and hazards that may result in negative economic influence (Levin & Ted, pp. 124-178). Below is the stepwise analyzes of the system in a procedural manner. Control Objective: here, the goal is to maintain the height of the tank within certain bounds since too high height will lead to overflow while too little height problems may arise due to the flow of process 2. Typically, specific height will be selected. This desired height is as the set point. In this section the effluent from process 1and, it is channeled through to process 2. It is that an outlet flow rate is considered an input to this kind of set up (Levin & Ted, pp. 167-189). In most cases, the problem is always to identify and the manipulated input and the disturbance input. Output variables: the most considered out variable is the liquid level with assumption t in the measured quantity. These are the actual number of constraints while solving this process. The liquid levels allowed up to a certain maximum level; upon which when exceeded, the tank overflows. There are limitations on the flow rates via the inlet and outlet valves. Since this is a continuous process, that is, there is an inflow via inlet and out flow via outlet of the tank. Safety, economic considerations and environmental factors: This aspect majorly depends on the futures of the fluid. If it is a lethal chemical, then there exist tremendous environmental

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Teenage drug addicts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Teenage drug addicts - Essay Example A study by National Center of Education Statistics during the year 2009 found out that the main reason of this proliferating numbers of teen drug addicts is that 22% of high school teens are being provided in drugs in their respective schools (Russell, 2008). This teen population, around 45% of this part of teen population cannot see any ‘risk’ due to excessive drug use. That means lack of awareness is the dominant reason that has led to such a grave issue. Teens living in UK are also in the running. They too fall in the same category that is severely attacked by this issue of Drug Abuse. They too are falling in the trap and ruining their lives, UK’s society and the country as a whole. Teen Drug Addiction in UK – Causes, Effects and Current Trends Even after the government’s several attempts of implementing strict policies on its teen population, the numbers of ‘Teenage Drug Addicts in Britain’ are increasing at a high rate. The deaths i n Britain due to drug abuse rose from 1952 to2182 deaths in total. Before peeking into the world of Teen Drug addicts in UK, we first need to know who these drugs came into this country and ruined the lives of many people, enjoying their teenage life. In case of Cocaine, UK is considered to be the most affected country due to drug abuse in the entire world. With 2% regular users of cocaine in UK, teens living between these people will surely fall in this trap and try their first drug, and this is what really happened. With a 19million share of the cost of drugs in the GDP of UK, more than 40% of this is paid by the UK teens. These figures clearly demonstrate the scenario of drug addicts who are teenagers and are living in Britain (Plant, et al, 2010). Overview of Teen drug Addiction During the time 2008 to 2009, around 8.1% increase has been observed in the number of teen drug users in UK. In UK, drug abuse is not just an epidemic, but a plaque. United Kingdom has a long history of teen drug abuse in its regards, because it was the first ever country of European Union that was reported to see the emergence of the drug misuse. In United Kingdom, drugs are commonly supplied around the country that’s why teens cannot find difficult in finding them and becoming huge big drug addicts in a short time period. This has led to a creation of social norm about this country as now the teen population have become really open minded when it comes to use drugs openly in social gatherings (Paylor et al, 2012). The current scenario of teen drug addicts in Britain has illustrated that this issue is getting out of hand. In a European Schools Survey Project, with 42% teen boys and 39% teen girls, illegal drugs have been used. Alcohol abuse, alcohol one of those drugs widely used in teenagers in UK, is prevailing commonly in UK, and this situation is getting worse in case of girls. Professor Martin Plant, of the University of West of England said: â€Å"One of the big prob lems is that vast numbers of young people who engage in these behaviors believe that they are completely invulnerable†. Causes of Teen Drug Addiction One of the reasons of a high rate of teenage drug addicts in UK reported by this professor are poor parenting. Parents living in UK are very broad minded and don’

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Temperance and The Alcohol Prohibition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Temperance and The Alcohol Prohibition - Essay Example In the 1830s and 1840s, temperance movement was gained immense momentum and many people supported it. However, the movement suffered setback during the American Civil War. Both sides in the war were relying on alcohol duty to fund their battles. As a result, numerous states stopped alcohol prohibition (Gately 74). It is worth noting that this was reversed after the war as more and more states and counties embarked to become â€Å"dry†. In the postwar period, the movement grew to become a significant mass movement and was instrumental in encouraging alcohol abstinence. The movement engaged in building alternatives to replace the roles of public bars; the Independent Order of Rechabites was established as a friendly society where no meetings were held in public bars (Tracy 29). Also, there was a movement that introduced temperance fountains around America in order to make sure people have reliably safe drinking water instead of having to go to a saloon and various coffee palaces and temperance halls so as to replace bars. The temperance movement in the United States got a boost as advocacy for alcohol abstinence were emerging in other countries and so its emphasis spreading internationally. For example, the Salvation Army was established in 1864 in London and emphasized heavily on the abstinence from alcohol (Heron 30). A number of local and international prohibitionist groups were created in the postwar period and were instrumental in advocating for alcohol prohibition.

Professional Development Plan Essay Example for Free

Professional Development Plan Essay Professional development is the skill and knowledge that we gain to optimize our personal development. Planning is the tool to enhance our ability to achieve a particular goal in a set amount of time. College degrees and coursework, attending conferences, training sessions are all different types of learning opportunities for our professional development. First we have to have a desire for career endurance and personal growth. In this process we have goals which we want to achieve some are short term goals and some are long term. As a teacher I am dedicated to learning and have made a lifelong commitment to education and want to bring a positive social change which will enhance the beauty of educational system on the early childhood level. As a teacher we create an individualized professional development plan based on the age of students in our classroom. As a Montessori teacher I have a belief that I can plan a better curriculum for early ages by merging Montessori philosophy and traditional styles of teaching according to the state content standards. This is my long-term goal to be a academic director on state level for early childhood. But to achieve this long-term goal I have to focus my own professional development which I can gain by updating my skills, and get to know the new material and to get the knowledge which reflects changes in educational theory. My short term goal is to gain more and more knowledge not only about education but about the environment, social changes, cultural differences which affect the educational system. I can achieve all this by doing my PH.D in educational psychology. Because it is the study of how humans learn in educational settings, the effectiveness of educational interventions, the psychology of teaching, and the social psychology of schools as organizations. Educational psychology is concerned with how students learn and develop, often focusing on subgroups such as gifted children and those subject to specific disabilities. This will also help me to enhance the healthy development of learning or mental health of children, adolescents and adults. This degree will also help in my long term goal to prepare myself as a facilitating learner, faces emotional, and  behavioral difficulties in more professional manner. Furthermore, degree emphasis on theory, research and evidence-based practices subscribes to the scientist-practitioner model in the practice of psychology, which is reflected in the academic requirements. It includes the study of human development from diverse lenses such as biological, cognitive behavioral, socio-cultural, ecological, and educational perspectives. Another emphasis of this degree is an in depth knowledge of the scientific literature and its applications in the areas of psychology, especially different aspects of human development, motivation, learning processes, therapeutic approaches, and human diversity. With all this knowledge and information I will be a better writer and a r esearcher because my main focus of my research is early childhood and its issues. References:

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance of Feasibility Analysis

The Importance of Feasibility Analysis This report analyses the importance of Feasibility Analysis to businesses when they are deciding on the viability of a proposed business venture involving the implementation or improvement of an information system. This report is split into three parts the initial part defines a feasibility analysis, the second part explains how an IT feasibility analysis should be conducted using the template of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and the last section in this report examines a completed feasibility study by Powerco, a utilities distribution Company in New Zealand. What is a feasibility analysis? As the words feasibility analysis suggests a feasibility analysis is carried out to decide on the viability of a proposed venture; basically it answers the essential question of is it a viable option and should the project be implemented. All stages of the analysis are carried out in order to answer this question. When researching it is clear that the majority of all large successful businesses conduct a feasibility study to ensure they embark on a viable project, for example Microsoft have a large research department situated in many different cities throughout the globe, this department collaborates with many institutions producing many feasibility analyses a year. When examining successful businesses such as Microsoft, I discovered they will not commit to a new project without first thoroughly assessing all of the variables and reviewing the probability of success through a feasibility study. The feasibility analysis process As a feasibility analysis is often time consuming and expensive (many companies pay consultants to perform the analysis), a preliminary study is undertaken to determine if it would be worthwhile to proceed to the feasibility analysis, within this preliminary study the evaluation of alternatives is made along with brief cost and benefit analysis. A feasibility study is usually conducted after the project managers have discussed all project ideas and every possible scenario, only if the results are positive the feasibility study begins. The content of feasibility Analysis Within a feasibility study it is necessary to discuss a number of areas including; details of the present system; what are the functions and objectives, who are the Stakeholders and the reasons to improve or replace the current system for example inconsistencies / inadequacies in functionality or performance, is there any possible solution alternatives and the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives. Feasibility analysis can be split into four types; Operational factors; Operational feasibility is used to assess how well the information systems will work if implemented in the given environment. Define the urgency of the project If the project is implemented, will it be a success? Does management support the project? How do end users feel about the new system? People tend to resist change can this problem be overcome? Can management and end users adapt to the change? Has the proposed venture conflicted with organisational or government regulations? Schedule factors; It often takes time to build and implement an information system solution; will the project still be necessary on completion? The technology may exist, but are there the skills available to not only complete the project but complete it on schedule? Is the project deadline reasonable? Is the deadline desirable or mandatory? What are the results of failing to meet the project deadline? Technical; Technical feasibility is the measure of the practicality of specific technical information system solutions and the availability of technical resources. Often new technologies are solutions looking for a problem to solve: Is the technology for the information system solution practical? Does the necessary technology exist? Is the technology proven? Is the technology practical and reliable? Are the necessary skills available to design and implement the system? Is there the infrastructure to cope with ongoing maintenance (problems, upgrades) Economic; This is regularly the most important analysis made, it asks important questions; Is the project justified (i.e. will benefits outweigh costs)? Can the project be done, within given cost constraints? What is the minimal cost to attain a certain system? Which alternative offers the best return on investment? How much will it cost to maintain? The 12 Stages of an ITIL Feasibility Analysis ITIL is a global guidance document that provides worlds best practices for IT service management companies. ITIL guidelines are often used in feasibility studies and are broken down into twelve stages. These twelve stages are described in this next section and if necessary a brief example has been given; Introduction It is important that an introduction to the feasibility analysis is made; this introduction includes the content, the intent, the intended audience, the purpose, and organizational details of the feasibility analysis. Management Summary This stage summarises, what the other stages within the template will explain in more detail; this section provides a quick overview of the feasibility analysis and would include the following, an Introduction, Management Summary, Background of the Project, Objectives, Situation, Benefits, Problems and Risks, Technical Requirements, Options, Cost/Benefit Analysis, Financial/Budget Implications and Recommendations Background to the Project A project is proposed for a specific scenario and this step describes the reason the proposal exists. For example; current sales are at a low due to increased competition, the proposal is for a new company website, where customers are able to buy directly. Objectives The high level business purposes of the proposal, including the long-range management goals. For example, the proposed project is to increase sales by an estimated 15% per annum over the next ten years. Situation This step describes the present condition, without the service in place, including market conditions, it is necessary to highlight the need for the proposed system, and the consequences of the proposal not being authorized. Benefits In the benefits section, it is necessary to focus on the short term benefits of the proposal; this is different to the objective stage which focuses on the long term gains and the cost-benefit step which focuses primarily on the financial benefits. An example of this could be the increased customer satisfaction of the proposed website. Problems and Risks It is important to identify and assess possible problems and risks of the proposed project associated with it within the development, design, and deployment stages. This is done by doing a risk assessment on the proposed system; this will be used to identify problems in many different areas, including technologies, lack of user support, or resources. Technical Requirements Has the business the technological infrastructure for the proposed system? These requirements include knowledge of the hardware and software required, for example, does the business possess the database architecture, network structures, and hardware to sustain the website, will it be necessary to outsource? Options It is recommended in the ITIL framework that a feasibility analysis includes any alternatives to the proposal, including advantages and disadvantages and costs. An example of this could be advertising to increase sales and would show the estimated cost of this. Cost/Benefit In this step, the total cost of the project is calculated; this includes development, design, deployment, and maintenance of the new service. Costs include facilities, hardware, labor, and software. The project cost is compared to the financial benefits provided by the proposed system. What are benefits? These are examples of benefits, more accurate / timely information. Improved operation, increased flexibility of operation, increased output, error reductions, cost reductions; benefits can be placed into three different categories; Monetary; when money values can be calculated, Tangible; when benefits can be quantified, but monetary values cannot be calculated. Intangible; when neither of the others apply, this applies there is a benefit, but it cannot be quantified. There are different types of costs; Project related; development, purchasing, Installation, training costs, Operational costs; these costs are often ongoing costs and include; Maintenance on the hardware; maintenance, lease, materials Software; maintenance fees and contracts Personnel; operation, maintenance There are a number of tools used, which helps in the economic section of the feasibility analysis these are; Cost-benefit analysis (CBA); which estimates and totals up the equivalent money value of the benefits and costs of proposed projects to establish whether they are worthwhile. Payback Analysis; which is used to calculate how long it will take to pay the costs of the project Return on Investment Analysis; which compares the lifetime profitability of alternative solutions, Net Present Value Analysis: using current monetary values, profitability is determined of the proposed project, Return On Investment (ROI) compares the lifetime profitability of alternative solutions, (Lifetime benefits Lifetime costs) Lifetime costs and finally you can compare alternatives with the feasibility analysis matrix. Financial/Budget Implications Once the overall costs have been established, it is necessary to verify if the necessary funds are available, if so how? This may result in changes to the budget or priorities and reducing expenditure to accommodate the costs. Recommendations In this final step recommendations regarding the proposal are made including scheduling and budgeting Summary In summary these twelve steps that make up the ITIL is among the first activities a manager will undertake in preparation for a proposal for a new IT service, though it is important to remember these steps make a general guide and different information systems may require amendments. Examples of feasibility analysis Though the majority of businesses keep their own feasibility analysis private, research identified an interesting feasibility analysis conducted by Powerco. In this section I will briefly review this feasibility analysis in a case study due to the word restrictions on this essay and the extensiveness of the ITIL framework. Powerco has an estimated 410,000 consumers which makes it one of New Zealands largest utilities Companies. These customers expect a reliable service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Powerco applications are split between two platforms; Oracle RAC and Microsoft SQL Server, which has meant that the business had additional expenses of licensing, supporting, operating, and maintaining two systems. Additionally it was awkward for staff to alternate between the systems when working. As the Oracle platform of Powercos warranty cycle was approaching expiration, and the financial system was scheduled an important upgrade, it was clear to the company that it was time to reassess its options and whether it should consolidate to a single server platform or replace existing hardware. Powerco acknowledged that to consolidate the database platforms would create a more simple IT environment and would reduce the total cost of the database system significantly. The case for consolidation was simple why maintain two systems if you dont need to? explains Mr. Griffiths, Infrastructure Manager, Powerco. Powerco undertook preliminary study of the solutions and assessed the pros and c ons of Oracle versus SQL Server. This analysis pointed towards some significant advantages in choosing SQL Server over Oracle. These included reduced licensing and maintenance costs, ease of management and fewer requirements for a specialised skill set to manage and service the system. A feasibility study of migrating to SQL Server was then completed by consultants on Powercos behalf including a cost/benefit analysis, a risk assessment, analysis of the alternatives and the four factors discussed earlier in this report, this confirmed Powercos applications could be supported on SQL Server, with the remaining end of life applications being replaced with SQL Server compatible ones, the feasibility study showed that unlike other options Microsoft SQL Server, serving could be done in-house. Microsofts SQL Server was the cheapest option to license, maintain, and support, particularly because of the specialised nature of Oracle. The business would be more streamline and efficient with just the single platform. Increases security. Further Tangible and Non-tangible benefits. Due to the results of the feasibility study, Powerco changed from the two platforms to solely Microsoft SQL Server, the result of this consolidation has meant Powerco has been able to reduce costs significantly, also ensuring it was easier to maintain and manage in-house and eliminating the need for external consultants. The migration to SQL Server has cut the overall cost of ownership by $390,000 a year, also helping to streamline Powercos IT systems and have given a number of other Tangible and Non-tangible benefits. Conclusion In conclusion this report has explained what a feasibility study is and when it should be used, I have then reviewed the various stages which are recommended by the IT industry experts at the ITIL and have given an example of a successful feasibility study undertaken by Powerco. I believe to be objective this report should have explored examples of a unsuccessful feasibility study, however this was not possible due to my research not providing any suitable cases, but still the findings of this report are clear, it is advisable to do a feasibility analysis, as it is tried and tested and the vast majority of large and established companies use this method to check the viability of a proposed venture and are taking a substantial risk if a feasibility study is not carried out before embarking on new project.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Macbeth the Tragic Hero Essay -- essays research papers

Macbeth could justly be classified a â€Å"Tragic Hero† as his tragic story fills out the defined criteria for a tragic hero. Macbeth holds a significant social status, reveals essential truths about humanity through his suffering, has tragically wasted talent, contains a â€Å"tragic flaw† leading to his downfall and finally he finds some relief in his death. Macbeth, throughout this play, has held a substantial amount of power in society. Firstly he begins as the Thane of Glamis before becoming the Thane of Cawdor and finally King of Scotland. His death greatly affected everyone in Scotland, both those who stood by him and those who opposed and finally killed him. *****quotes from both sides***** Macbeth’s downfall would have meant that finally the rightful king was on the throne of Scotland and this would have been significant for the Scottish people of all socio-economic classes. The suffering of Macbeth throughout the play is a disconsolate process. Throughout the stages of his grievous downfall essential truths about humanity are dubiously displayed. Macbeth’s ordeal reveals the ev...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

The difference between developing and developed nations depended mainly on the basis of economics. Gross domestic product (GDP), is the Most commonly criteria for evaluating the degree of economic development, general standard of living, per capita income, amount of widespread infrastructure, and level of industrialization. A developed country has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure compared to other less developed nations. Carbaugh (2013) developing countries are able to export manufactured goods and services to the developed countries like agricultural goods, raw materials, and labor intensive (such as textiles) which related to primary products. In the last three decades, some developing nations include China, Mexico, Turkey, Vietnam, and so on; have increasing their exports of primary products significantly. For example, according to the Export Promotion Center of Turkey, Turkey, as a major cotton producer the export value of Turkey's technical textiles and nonwovens was estimated at more than US$1.2 billion in 2008. Turkey exports its technical textile products predominantly to different developed nations such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and the United States. This increase as a result of economic reforms in Turkey based on free market principles, an international orientation, and reducing government intervention. This paper explain whether the government intervention in international trade g ood or not for a developing nations. Protecting domestic producers from the competition of imports is an economic policy adopted in most developing countries known as import substitution. During the Period from 1930 to 1980 many Latin American countries implemented import substitution policies. This... ...and limit foreign investment. The government allows the foreign projects as long as they recognizing the state’s permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources. This intervention of government has a positive effect by helping the domestic firms to growth. At conclusion, free trade and government intervention cannot be separate; the country should have free trade and positive government intervention. Free trade tends to be inequality in income, wealth and opportunity. Without government intervention, firms can exploit monopoly power to pay low wages to workers and charge high prices to consumers. The positive government intervention can regulate monopolies and promote competition and redistribute income within society. Moreover the positive government intervention in the foreign direct investment was helping the domestic firms to growth.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Assessment In The Classroom Essay

The school has a comprehensive, well set out assessment-policy which I have tried to familiarise myself with during my second four week university block away from the school, as I sourced a copy of it during my serial weeks along with a number of other school policy documents both required for (and beyond) the school-policy professional activity exercise. I have found this has helped me get to grips with the procedures within the school and has helped me fit in. Though the school assessment policy document is comprehensive in its description of the responsibility for planning of and approaches to recording and reporting of assessment, and the use of assessment results. It also interestingly, takes time to highlight the importance of using whole class assessment as a means of reflecting and evaluating one’s own teaching practices; something which the PGDE course has stressed is a central part of the modern-day teaching profession. More specifically however, I have also been fortunate enough to witness the effective use of a variety of assessment practices by my teacher in the classroom which I feel has been invaluable in furthering my understanding of styles of assessment and how these work. Indeed while I was aware of many of the features of the school policy document, I feel that to see these in action in the classroom is a process which cannot be communicated in written form. That said, I have been aware of the majority of these as they feature in Assessment is for Learning (AiFL) and Building the Curriculum 5: Assessment (BTC5) policy documents and so this combined with the provision of information in the school assessment policy guide placed me in good stead to look out for these in practice. Two Stars and a Wish The two stars approach was something I was familiar with the workings of through our use of it in assessing our own poster-display work in ULT/ELT seminars. It was however interesting to see how differently children responded in the classroom. Beyond engaging with the terminology far more than my fellow-students (who often mixed up the order) children seem surprisingly keen to improve if they can and focus not only on the two stars element, but also focus (positively) on the wish – seemingly happy to take advice on what to do better next time (again, sometimes more so than my PGDE colleagues)! Self Assessment I feel very positive and encouraged by the use of self assessment by my teacher who has demonstrated how effective this approach can be in identifying both success and problems equally. Indeed self-assessment appears to me, to allow children to feel as though they are playing an active role in the learning process as a whole and not simply a subject of learning and assessment. The thumbs (up, middle or down) approach also seems appealing as it is very efficient in that it allows a simple yet comprehensive snapshot of how pupils rate their own understanding. Further follow-up questioning also seems to be an effective part of the self assessment process. She has also demonstrated however that self-assessment is not limited to the simplistic thumbs or traffic-light colour approach (which was most obvious to me), through her interesting use of a traffic light workbook stamp which children are required to colour-in (green, orange or red) on their own work, before detailing a short reason to justify their choice which provides useful and often specific feedback on teaching which would seem to be a useful tool in the reflection and improvement process. Peer Assessment The use of peer assessment appears prominent in my teacher’s classroom presumably because she so eagerly embraces cooperative learning and thus children are often not only self- assessing their own work but also that of their partner or group. I feel this could be an effective approach to introducing peer assessment of individual work to a class who have not experienced this before – as it may well demonstrate the importance of being polite (but honest) when assessing other pupils work. Formal assessment I was fortunate enough to observe my class being formally assessed on both writing and spelling during my serial placement. Though the need for a comprehensive awareness of assessment is arguably now greater (now that I am giving my own lessons) than was the case during my observation weeks, and it is difficult to discuss something which took place so many weeks ago, I feel I am able to reflect on these early experiences enough to be able to appreciate the key elements of formal assessment. I believe I have an awareness of the principled approaches needed to implement formal assessment. Ultimately I feel my teacher’s competent and varied use of these approaches to assessment (even at this early stage of my placement) has given me the working awareness needed to implement them and also the confidence to begin to take steps towards using a greater range of these in a number of my future lesson plans.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Burger Case Study Essay

1. Rich Snyder was twenty-four years old when his father passed away and he assumed leadership of In-N-Out Burger. Was his young age an asset or a liability for leadership of the company? Explain you answer. Take a position Does age really matter in the first place? I think the age didn’t really matter. It’s the experience or knowledge that makes the difference. Rich was young when his father had him involved in the business, so by the time he passed Rich should’ve been able to lead the company. Age doesn’t matter if you have enough passion, drive and knowledge of what you are doing, that has much more to do with succeeding or not. 2. In an era of jalapeno poppers and extreme fajitas, how risky is In-N-Out’s long-term strategy of offering only four simple food items? Is the strategy still on track? I don’t think they are being risky with their long term strategy. In 2013 rumors were going around that an In-N-Out Burger was coming to Denver City, Colorado, by Sept. 2014 when there was still no sign of a store being opened, Councilman Albus Brooks got involved and contacted In-N-Out Burger, and they commented that it wasn’t going to happen. The whole city was upset. It made the news that they are going to Toronto, Canada in 2015, but just for a day. Problem Solving A would be entrepreneur walks into your bank and asks to receive financing for a business plan modeled after In-N-Out’s approach and extremely simple menu. But all the ingredients would come from local supplier and growers within a thirty-mile radius of town. Is this a winning recipe deserving of financing from your bank? Yes I would say it is. Their plan is not only profitable to the bank, and themselves, it will also bring in commerce for the local businesses. Further Research How would you illustrate this concept to consumers? Explain why you would  choose to include or exclude TV, print radio or online. Advertising based on your premise. How would you pitch this concept to In-N-Out’s marketing department in a way that would emphasize in n out’s core values? It is hard to find out much about the company so I don’t really know how much they budget for marketing, but it seems like they don’t have a big budget. I would find out how they are packaging their product. Maybe they could find an eco-friendly way to package it. I would emphasize less is more. People are over worked, and over stimulated, and don’t want to think too much. Making less choices makes it easy to order. I would pitch it as their values are integrity, honest and respect. By using eco-friendly packaging they are not only giving value to their customers but also protecting planet.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ch 10 Boeing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ch 10 Boeing - Case Study Example Various factors both internal and external lead to this downfall of Boeing in late 90’s and early this decade. Boeing has now managed to strike gold again with Dreamliner while Airbus stumbled. But both were troubled by poor outsourcing strategies. This essay tries to address factors during this phase. One of the main reasons for Boeing’s downfall was the financial problems in Asia which lead numerous orders being cancelled and postponed. Boeing took a very long time to anticipate the impact of economic conditions in Asia. If Boeing had anticipated the negative impact of Asian economy sooner, it could have prevented some of the problems that it confronted. It could have been well prepared and managed its production more intelligently which would help in avoiding losses. Boeing’s top management messed up big time and made disastrous calculations in the late 1990’s which caused huge losses to the company. They were too blind to look beyond their traditional strategy and were adamant to maintain the 60% market share. After their poor show the top management should have been fired and new management that would bring in fresh ideas should have been hired. This would help the company to attack the problem in a different way and come up with a better strategy. â€Å"Management worries too much about Airbus, and to hell with the stockholders†.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10

Education - Essay Example nd distracted; such classroom behaviour4 was not an encouraging response, so I discarded the initial lecture I had planned and started showing them pictures of Degas’ paintings, to stimulate their interest in the world of Degas’ art and human figures.5 After listening to the tape, I feel that my soft voice and formal approach at the beginning of the lesson was not helpful in gaining the attention of the students, because they could not connect with me. I should have started off trying to engage their interest and stimulate their curiosity since children learn best within a positive environment where they are actively engaged.6 What I was doing was lecturing instead, talking down to them - so they were switching off rather than engaging. I had to adapt my instruction, because what I was using was not working, so I decided that it would be better to adopt a more informal and interactive approach, since children love to ask questions. I was tense and holding myself too stiffly, perhaps the children sensed it too. So I relaxed and held out my hands to invite them to draw closer to me to look at Degas’ pictures and start painting them. I was pleased to note that my ability to realize when one method was not working, in order to switch to another was one of my strong points in the lesson, because my inviting tone and gesture worked very well; the restless children who felt bound by their desks were able to loosen up and I also relaxed when I didn’t feel like I was on the spot, standing up in front of the class, as the teacher. I didn’t have to shout so loud either. I invited their participation by asking them questions like, â€Å"Do you think this painting is good?† and â€Å"What do you like about it?† I wanted to see what the first impressions of the children would be – what would they notice, what would they wonder about? I was delighted to find that they were astute enough to notice that the painting was a set of lots of dots, because they were viewing

Monday, October 7, 2019

International Business - Overseas Market Entry Actions Essay

International Business - Overseas Market Entry Actions - Essay Example However, the cosmetics industry in Iceland has escaped most of the fallout resulting from financial market collapse in the country, which has opened up internationalization as a viable strategic objective. This paper will focus on Blue Lagoon Cosmetics Company and its potential entry into the Kuwaiti market, including the most viable international business strategy, its marketing actions, and appropriate organizational structure. In order to do this, the paper will use literature studies on international business strategy and apply theoretical models to the entry of Blue Lagoon into Kuwait. Blue Lagoon was started in 1976 as a way to take advantage of a geothermal plant constructed in the Reykjanes-peninsula. The geothermal plant produces water rich in natural minerals that are also integrated into the white silica clay on land, which Blue Lagoon collects and sells as cosmetic products (, 2013: p1). Blue Lagoon Ltd. was established in 1992 due to the popularity of its warm spa water, after which bathing facilities were opened in 1999, which made it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Iceland with at least 70% of all tourists visiting Iceland also visiting the Blue Lagoon. The company has three state-of-the-art geothermal spa facilities, which host restaurants, conference rooms, an indoor pool, and modern changing and shower rooms. In addition, Silica mud is also part of the company’s assets, in which visitors can bathe. Blue Lagoon has dedicated its activities to developing the health of visitors, building on the presence of geoth ermal water that contains blue-green algae, silica, and salt (, 2013: p1). The company began producing skincare products as Blue Lagoon Iceland made of unique chemicals, which were first marketed in the late 90s. In the early part of the 2000s, they launched

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Merits of Privatization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Merits of Privatization - Research Paper Example tes, transcontinental railroad constructed by public and private partnerships during the nineteenth century is one of the earliest examples of privatization in the US. The transcontinental public private partnership is always cited as an example by the people who support privatization. Privatization not only brings efficiency but it also helps in curtailing costs and reduces bureaucracy. (Loulakis, 2003) The recent financial downturn and government bailouts have severely affected the American economy. With the government deficits and costs of borrowing increasing day by day, many leading economists have advocated privatization of government functions which would bring budgetary discipline and would reduce government’s financial burden. Though the consumers are greatly benefited by the reduction in the costs of goods and services due to privatization, the only point which may negatively affect the citizens is accountability. Citizens do not have any control over private companies and cannot punish them, like they can punish the government by not voting for them in state or central elections. Another point of concern with privatization is that private firms operate with only one motive that is profitability, which is secondary in government owned and operated firms. Though, privatization has greatly improved product quality and cost, there are certain services which should not be privatized. Sectors like defense, law enforcement, education and basic healthcare should always be under State control. The future of the country depends a lot on the above mentioned sectors and therefore, the motive of cost cutting, profitability and competition should not come into consideration. However, certain functions like sourcing of certain products can be outsourced. Another reason why these sectors should be under State control is because in case of any adverse events the government must have the capacity and the control to handle the situation quickly and

Saturday, October 5, 2019

TRS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

TRS - Essay Example In addition, humanity gets a deeper understanding of God through the saints. Interestingly, these saints are a reflection of colors needed within the church. For example, saint Francis of Assisi speaks of truths concerning God. However, he does not entirely reflect the fullness of God hence the need for other saints. In summary, saints are a part of the church and are a connecting point between God and human beings. It is quite interesting that the saints reflect color to the church. Moreover, they enable the church have a deeper understanding of God. This is interesting because saints are more of a church’s ideology. Arguably, no one but God knows the real state of the hurts of men. Additionally, one could never know the real intentions of the hearts of people. Arguably, saints are considered by the acts. On the other hand, they reflect light, which may not be understandable to humanity unless deeply rooted in the practices of Catholicism. In summary, Catholics hold saints in high

Friday, October 4, 2019

Punitive Damages To Products Liability Essay Example for Free

Punitive Damages To Products Liability Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Product liability is a growing interest in almost all parts of the world. The doors of justice are opened to innocent and helpless consumers who can ask manufacturers of products to compensate them for damages incurred after using their products. The burden of liability is placed upon manufacturers and producers who could not use any defense to exculpate themselves from strict liability law.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are two principles that form the foundations on product liability, namely, strict liability, and negligence. Thus, manufacturers are bound to make a wise estimate of how much damage it may be liable in the future should any case be filed against it on product liability. In effect, any manufacturer should ensure that the â€Å"good† of the product outweighs the â€Å"harm† that it may cause to any consumer if such product is put in the market. This is the social responsibility of manufacturers and a safeguard to consumers. Never mind if the cost is passed on to the consumers as may be incorporated in the cost of the product for as long as there is an assurance that in any future eventuality, the manufacturer would be able to answer to the liability and pay the cost of damage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Punitive damages that may be awarded on top of the actual damages incurred would be up to the courts of justice to determine. The reason behind the grant is to deter similar cases in the future. Putting a cap on punitive damages is depriving a plaintiff his day in court while it also limits the authority that our laws have vested in the courts of justice. Any law to that effect is simply negating an individual’s right to be fully recompensed for any damage that may be incurred due on product liability cases. Thus, as in other cases on torts and delicts, it is best left to the courts of justice to establish the punitive damage that may be imposed against manufacturers whose product caused damage to any of its consumers. Should Punitive Damages In Products Liability Cases Be Capped   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The history of product liability law dates back to the 1800’s when one Englishman, Mr. Winterbottom filed a case against the manufacturer of a mail coach due to poor construction. Mr. Winterbottom, who was the driver of the mail coach of the Postmaster General, was seriously injured when the mail coach collapsed. The theory advanced at that time was to limit the liability to persons with privity of contracts. Mr. Winterbottom was not privy to the contract of purchase between the Postmaster General and the manufacturer of the mail coach. Thereby, the case was dismissed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the manufacturing industry advanced, quality control of the products being produced by manufacturers has become a subject of interest to many sectors of society. The concern naturally required the governments to enact laws which would ensure protection of consumers. However, while many laws could be enacted to ensure full protection of the consuming markets, compliance to these laws would also remain a question. Thus, it has been inevitable that cases on product liability piled up in the courts of justice in all countries of the world. The difference, though, is that where before the â€Å"little and helpless† consumers would have a difficult time to raise their concerns and seek redress; in these times where awareness on product liability has been brought to the fore, manufacturers with big pockets are made to compensate consumers for damages incurred.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is no question that manufacturers should be made liable to pay for damages that any of their products may have caused on the consuming public. The law on strict liability has become the basis on findings of the court as it decides on how much liability any manufacturer is to shoulder and pay to the consumer in a particular case. Strict liability law stresses the liability on the product in contrast to the principle of negligence which places the responsibility on some acts of the manufacturer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the case of Greenman v Yuba Power Products, Inc. the California Supreme Court assigned strict liability to a manufacturer, â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   who placed on the market a defective product even though both privity of contract and notice of breach of warranty were lacking. The court rejected both contract and warranty theories, express or implied, as the basis for liability. Strict liability does not rest on a consensual foundation but, rather, on one created by law. The liability was created judicially because of the economic and social need for the protection of consumers in an increasingly complex and mechanized society, and because of the limitations in the negligence and warranty remedies. The courts avowed purpose was to insure that the costs of injuries resulting from defective products are borne by the manufacturer that put such products on the market rather than by the injured persons who are powerless to protect themselves.† (Greenman v. Yuba Power Products, Inc. [1963] 59 Cal.2d 57 [13 A.L.R.3d 1049].   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Negligence, on the other hand, places upon the plaintiff to prove that the manufacturer acted or failed to act on something which resulted to the damage caused by the product. While the manufacturer, in such case, would still be held liable to compensate for damage incurred by the consumer, the amount and degree of liability would be abated based on the extent of defense that the manufacturer could successfully bring forth to the court in the instant case. Thus, following this line of reasoning, there is a risk that the plaintiff may not be fully recompensed for the damage incurred. In fact, there is a chance that the cause of the plaintiff may be denied. The most objectionable aspects of asbestos litigation can be briefly summarized: dockets in both federal and state courts continue to grow; long delays are routine; trials are too long; the same issues are litigated over and over; transaction costs exceed the victims recovery by nearly two to one; exhaustion of assets threatens and distorts the process; and future claimants may lose altogether. Report of The Judicial Conference Ad Hoc Committee on Asbestos Litigation 2-3 (Mar. 1991).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In recent cases, products liability claims are based not on negligence, but rather on strict liability. In the hands of good and responsible people, this development is for the benefit of the greater number of society – the consumers and the market. The burden of proving liability is no longer solely borne by the plaintiff. Proof of liability is much easier to raise and bring to the appreciation of the courts. Thus, more and more plaintiffs have been fully compensated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Punitive damages which are awarded on top of actual damages create a different bearing in the case. Its main purpose is to deter others similarly situated to create unconscionable and similar acts in the future. The objective is to impress upon the mind of the defendant and to the whole world that such and similar acts would not be tolerated by society in general. Thus, in most cases, punitive damages are almost always very high.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As in tort cases, the laws of the land have placed upon our courts of justice the authority to determine the amount of punitive damages that may be rightfully granted in a particular case. Putting a cap to punitive damages would be limiting the authority of our courts of justice to act for and in behalf of the greater number for the greater good. Unconscionable punitive damages that are awarded and which are unacceptable to some parties could be raised to proper legal authorities through proper legal course of action.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Putting a cap to punitive damages that may be granted on product liability cases is limiting the right of a plaintiff to seek redress of grievances and damages incurred when and where proper. Both plaintiff and defendant have the opportunities to be heard in court and almost always, manufacturers have the best chances to protect their interests with the extent of their capability to litigate and pursue their rights.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Putting a cap to punitive damages is not the solution to exculpate manufacturers from liabilities. Preventive measures and full quality control of their goods from manufacture to market delivery should be enhanced and made the order of the day. Shifting responsibilities from the manufacturer to the consumer is something that is not fair and something that would work to the disadvantage of the consuming public in the long run.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Putting a cap on punitive damages to product liability could be interpreted as putting a limit to how much a consumer could be compensated for incurring damage. This is somehow dangerous and risky as no manufacturer could foresee the extent of damage that their products may cause upon an individual. Putting a cap to punitive damages simply works as insurance to consumers that whatever may happen, they are entitled to a certain extent of compensation depending on how they can prove the liability. Again the burden of proof is shifted to the consumer and away from the manufacturer. â€Å"The distinction between products liability and negligence was explained in Jiminez v. Sears, Roebuck Co. (1971) 4 Cal.3d 379, 383 [52 A.L.R.3d 92]: It is pointed out that in a products liability case the plaintiff in order to recover in strict liability in tort must prove that he was injured by a defect in the product and that the product was defective when it left the hands of the retailer or manufacturer; whereas to recover in negligence the plaintiff must prove the same two elements plus an additional element, namely, that the defect in the product was due to negligence of the defendant. This is a discreet departure from the strict liability law. In the case of Green v. General Petroleum Corp., where an oil well blew out through no fault of the defendant, the court relying on Section 3514 of the Civil Code held that:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"The defendant was nevertheless liable. The case has been generally interpreted as one involving strict liability for damages resulting from an ultrahazardous activity. It is not significant that a property damage, as distinguished from a personal injury, was there involved. The important factor is that certain activities under certain conditions may be so hazardous to the public generally, and of such relative infrequent occurrence, that it may well call for strict liability as the best public policy. Green v. General Petroleum Corp. (1928) 205 Cal. 328 [60 A.L.R. 475].   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cases on product liability are pretty much similar to tort cases. Tort is a civil wrong which results to an injury or harm giving a person a cause of action to seek redress of the wrong mostly through relief of damages incurred. Sanctions for criminal acts may also be imposed but the injured person would almost always seek for monetary recompense for damages incurred such as loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and reasonable medical expenses. Therefore, like any other tort cases under the civil law where no cap to punitive damages is imposed or established, it is unfair and unconstitutional to place a cap on punitive damages on product liability cases. It is unconstitutional as it impinges on the right of a person to be compensated for damages incurred as granted to him under the civil law.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In an important but split decision, State Farm v. Campbell, the U.S. Supreme Court in April held that the Due Process Clause [of the 14th amendment] prohibits the imposition of grossly excessive or arbitrary punishments on defendants in tort cases. This was the second High Court ruling in the past few years that rightly objected to steep punitive damage awards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are measures which ensure that the courts do not grant unconscionable amounts of damages – actual and punitive. Putting a cap to punitive damages is not the answer for manufacturers to get an assurance and security that they would not be liable to pay for damages that would bring their business down. Well, first and foremost, manufacturers’ concern should be on the safety of its products.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Secondly, being responsible corporate citizens would spell the difference when any manufacturer is faced with the case on product liability. Actual, sincere, and timely concern to a case brought by any plaintiff would ensure that punitive damages that may be awarded would be commensurate to the strategy and action plan that the manufacturer has undertaken to ensure that the plantiff’s concern was addressed responsively and proactive measures are being strategized to prevent any other future occurrence. The burden of proof still rests upon the manufacturer and never on the consumer.   References White, Robert Jeffrey. Top 10 in torts: evolution in the common law. Trial 32, no. 7 (July 1996): 50-53. McMahonBinchy, Law of Torts, Butterworths 3rd Ed., par. 11.113-114 Jimenez v. Superior Court (T.M. Cobb Co.), 29 Cal. 4th 473 2002) Supreme Court of Ireland Judgment, 3 November 1988. Fischer, David A; Green, Michael; Powers, Jr. William; Sanders, Joseph. Fischer, Green, Powers and Sander’s Cases and Materials on Products Liability. 4th, American Casebook series. Copyright 2006. Owen, David G; Phillips, Jerry J. Owen and Phillips Products Liability in a Nutshell. 7th Edition (Nutshell Series) Green v. General Petroleum Corp. (1928) 205 Cal. 328 [60 A.L.R. 475] Owens, Phillips. Products Liability. 7th ed., 2005. 13-ISBN:  9780314155108 Format: Paperback-New SKU: Sumner, L. â€Å"Quality Assurance and Product Liability.† Product Liability in Engineering, IEE Colloquium on Volume, Issue 6 Mar 1989. Pages 2/1 to 2/7. Greenman v. Yuba Power Products, Inc. (1963) 59 Cal.2d 57 [13 A.L.R.3d 1049]. Green v. General Petroleum Corp. (1928) 205 Cal. 328 [60 A.L.R. 475]. Jiminez v. Sears, Roebuck Co. (1971) 4 Cal.3d 379, 383 [52 A.L.R.3d 92]: